Silver Proof R2 Food And Agricultural Organisation - Mintage 1743

Price: R 1200,00

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1995 SA R2 Silver Proof

Food & Agriculture

Issued in a blue SAM case to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the F.A.O.

South Africa joined the FAO on 16 October 1945 and was readmitted on 9 November 1993 during the 27th Session of the Conference, having left the FAO in 1963.

The main benefit derived from membership of the FAO is that South Africa has access to extensive computer databases on world agricultural statistics and research projects. South Africa also benefits through participation in expert group meetings on nutrition, food additives, fisheries, forestry and commodity problems. Participation in FAO activities facilitates interaction with Africa in the field of agriculture. Access to FAO networking with respect to technical expertise is also available.

Mintage 1 743
Year 1995
Grade PR : Proof
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