Copper - Swedish 2 Daler Copper Plate Money With Copy of Certificate from the Ship NICHOBAR

Price: R 500,00



1750 Swedish Copper plate money

In 1782 the Nichobar left Copenhagen on her first and last voyage to Tranquebar. The cargo consisted of about 8 tons of Swedish plate money bought at the Swedish Riksbank. The copper was to be used as payment for Indian goods or sold for shipbuilding or gun casting. The Nichobar, which the Company had bought for coastal trade in India never arrived; after a troublesome voyage it was wrecked in July 1783 off Quoin Poit.
In 1987 some South African scuba divers found the wreck of the Nichobar and salvaged 5183 pieces plate money.

With copy of Certificate


Year 1750
Grade Other
Stock Sold
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