RSA 1961 to 2014


Kindly note that we will offer competitive bid prices for better quality items.Should you require more information, forward a scan and details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or view our complete website,
1994 Natura Set Wood Case

Our offer

KRAUSE World Coin Catalogue in proof is $ 1,200 USD 

 $ 3 ,000 - $ 4,000 USD  

1995 Natura Set Wood Case

 Our offer  

KRAUSE World Coin Catalogue in Proof is $ 1,425 USD

 $ 12,000 - $ 14,000  USD 

There are many more we could list. Obviously not all offers are as dramatically different to listed catalogue prices and some offers may well be below. Kindly make contact should you wish us to be of service.


Please note that our Scarce Dates Lists are not comprehensive and are only intended to assist in providing a quick snapshot of low coin mintage dates which result in those coins having value.
Worn and common date silver coins have a silver value even when worn however common date copper coins have no value, even when old.
Only the items listed for the period 1965 and later have value due to their low mintage. Items not listed have no value due to their large mintages.
For more detailed values we recommend you purchase catalogues and contact dealers directly. Choice and better quality items and scarce dates could be worth substantially more subject to viewing and grading.

Should you require an offer to purchase, kindly arrange for an appointment or alternately fax, email or post an inventory list to us.

Indicative values for circulated coins.
Better prices are paid for CHOICE QUALITY.
Damaged coins are worth less
Coin Description ( Size / Weight )
Year of Coin                                                                    Indicative value

RSA Second Decimal Issue 

 (1965 to 1990)

Only the coins listed below in this series have value.
All other 1965 and 1966 coins have no collectors value
and can be banked.

1965 - 1c - ONE CENT - SUID ARIKA ( 19,05mm / 3gr )
coin_rsa_1c_reverse_1965_afr_low coin_rsa_1c_obverse_1965_to_1989_low.jpg
1965 Afrikaans R 1,000 - R 4,000

1965 - 50c - FIFTY CENTS - SOUTH AFRICA ( 27,85mm / 9,5gr )
coin_rsa_50c_reverse_1965_eng_low.jpg coin_rsa_50c_obverse_1965_to_1990_low.jpg
1965 English R 10,000 - R 40,000

Silver R1 - ONE RAND ( 32,7mm / 15gr )
coin_rsa_1r_reverse_1965_afr_low.jpg coin_rsa_1r_obverse_1965_to_1968_low.jpg
1965 Afrikaans R 5,000 - R 20,000
1965 to 1976 R 100
Rands from 1977 to 1990 not issued in sets
are smaller and are worth face value of R1
even with other heads.

Only these coins in this series above have value.
All other 1965 and 1966 and above coins have no collectors value
and can be banked.

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00am till 4:00pm
Weekend/Public Holidays: Closed

Contact Us

Our Office Locations

  • Unit 10 Netwater Place
    252 Oak Avenue
    South Africa




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