Numismatic Society


During 1980, various dealers came together as the need was felt for the establishment of a South African Association of Numismatic Dealers with a standard code of conduct for the numismatic coin business.

Such an association was formed in 1981 and Randburg Coin and Diamond are proud to be founding members of this association.



  1. Each member agrees to support and be governed by such rules and bye-laws of the Association as may be in force.
  2. Each member agrees to conduct himself in a manner which will bring no reproach or discredit to the Association.
  3. Each member undertakes not to impair the prestige of any other member of the Association.
  4. Each member agrees to base all his dealings on the highest levels of morality, fairness and justice.
  5. Each member agrees to neither buy or sell Numismatic items of which the ownership is questionable.
  6. Each member undertakes to take immediate steps to correct any error he makes in any transaction.
  7. Each member guarantees the authenticity of any item sold by him.
  8. He agrees to fulfill all verbal or written contracts made by him.
  9. Each member undertakes to submit any dispute between himself and any other member firstly to the Association to enable them to resolve such dispute before taking such other action as he may deem neccessary or fit.
  10. Each member undertakes to act upon and carry out the objects of the Association as set out in the constitution.
  1. Iedere lid onderneem om die bestaande re�s en verordeninge van die Vereniging te onderskryf en daaraan onderworpe te wees.
  2. Elke lid onderneem om nie deur sy gedrag die Vereniging oneer aan te doen of in onguns te bring nie.
  3. Elke lid onderneem om hom te weerhou van benadeling van die aansien van 'n mede-lid.
  4. Elke lid onderneem om in al sy handelinge die hoogste mate van moraliteit, billikheid en regverdigheid te handhaaf.
  5. Elke lid onderneem om hom te weerhou van koop- of verkooptransaksies waar enige twyfel bestaan oor eiendomsreg van die betrokke item.
  6. Elke lid onderneem om terstond handelend op te tree in die regstelling van 'n afwyking in enige van sy transaksies.
  7. n Waarborg van egtheid word deur elke lid verskaf ten opsigte van elke item deur hom verkoop.
  8. Alle mondelinge of geskrewe ooreenkomste sal duer 'n lid eerbiedig word.
  9. Elke lid onderneem om enige dispuut wat mag ontstaan tussen hom en 'n mede-lid allereers aan die vereniging voor te l�vir bylegging alvorens enige ander stappe oorweeg word.
  10. Elke lid onderneem om homself te onderwerp aan die bepalings van die Grondwet van die Vereniging en daarvolgens te handel.

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00am till 4:00pm
Weekend/Public Holidays: Closed

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Our Office Locations

  • Unit 10 Netwater Place
    252 Oak Avenue
    South Africa




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